Saturday 26 May 2018

Adulting is not as easy as I thought

Who thought adulting was so hard. I needed a new diary for next year and went to the Calendar shop to get one. I spent 45 minutes choosing one... WHAT!!!
Usually I go in, find a funny one (Simon’s cat being one of my favourite) and get out, but a voice inside told me if you want to be taken seriously at work get an adult diary.
Ended up getting a busy B diary, still not sure I like it but hey ho I’m now stuck with it. Will see how it turns out.... 

Tuesday 19 December 2017

New house

So I have moved, I have a new address about 40 miles away from where I have lived for the last 15 years. I still don’t know that many people, and I don’t have kids so it’s difficult with the neighbours as it’s a family orientated neighborhood.
I still work in bedford and commute everyday, hopefully I will find a new job around my home soon. Spending 2 hours driving everyday is starting to take its toll on me.
I’m getting used to be single again and need to enjoy cooking for one again. My portion control when I cook is still for 2 people. And I have to be honest as I come back after 19:30 in the evening, the last thing I want to do is cook. Which means that I have been piling the pounds again.... looks like it will never stop

But overall, I am getting my life reorganised. It’s nice not to have to worry about going back home, or stay in the car parked outside the house dreading to walk in. So all in all the end of the year is on a positive note. 

Monday 22 May 2017

Homemade taboulé (Syn free)

It has been a very hot day today, reminding me how I miss a good taboulé. In France, it's one of the most popular salad in summer.
So tonight, I decided to try to come with a recipe which would be as close as possible.


Taboulé recipe:

400gr couscous
500ml boilingwater
300gr tomato passata 
1/3 of a jar of syn free Colemans concentrated mint sauce 
Cherry tomatoes cut in quarters
Orange pepper bell

Weight your couscous in a plastic container, add your water, cover. Once ready fluff the couscous with a fork. Add the rest of the ingredients in the couscous and mix well. Refrigerate for a few hours. Taboulé is served very chilled.
If the taboulé is too dry for you, more passata and mint sauce can be added.

Thursday 4 May 2017

In the last few months

So it's been a bit more than a month since my last post, god life has been hectic.....

1/ my partner and I split up a few months ago. 
2/ my comfort eating has gone down a lot since
3/ I realised I did not have much of a life so I decided to get a new one (which I enjoy very much)
4/ I had lucky escape some weeks even if I did eat non healthy food.
5/ I have now lost 2st and 10 pounds (yes, I know I have a lot more to come off. But come on, it's still a good result!!!)

Saturday 11 March 2017

Week 11 weight in

Loss this week: 6lbs
Total loss so far: 1st 10lbs

At last I'm losing weight again. Although I'm not sure it's by eating healthy, this week was all over the place but I did eat a lot less following the aftermath of last weekend 

Friday 3 March 2017

Tuesday 28 February 2017