Monday 12 December 2016

I'm crazy

That's what I told myself today.... and you may ask why?
Well with all the good intentions in the world I started Slimming World again very close to my birthday. I know I am now wondering if on top I do not have a bit of a sadistic touch in me too. But I told myself it's ok, I can do it. Turned out that NO... I can't do it.
And then December was around the corner, and once again I told myself easy peasy... it will be a walk in the park haha Not. I was counted on me not being that popular but recently I started taking part in different craft groups around my area and I took a new job in August. So I ended up going to a lot more Christmas party than before. 2015: 0- 2016: 4  and still a few more to go to. 
And even if I started with all the good will in the world, I did not plan properly and that folks is my bigggest downfall. That and working for the NHS where chocolate and biscuits are available all the time.... 

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