Tuesday 28 February 2017

Week 9 weight in

This week: + 4 lbs
Total loss so far: 1st 4lbs 


So I had a week holidays and I did not watch what I was eating. Let's face it, I'm not the only one who has done it and probably won't be the last.
What scared me was how easy it was to go back to eating unhealthy. I had ice cream and biscuits. crisps, chocolate, more chocolate ....
I mastered some courage this morning and got on the scales:
1/ felt ashamed
2/ screamed at myself
3/ really really mad at myself
4/ OMG, look I can't do it and I just ruined everything I did the last 2 months
5/ (breathing deeply in) it's ok, managed to do it I can do it again 
And that peeps are the 5 stages of grief Slimming World way 

Monday 20 February 2017

Sunday 12 February 2017

Tangtastic sweet Syn free

Tangtastic dandelion & burdock sweet
Syn free
3 cup dandelion & burdock soda no added sugar
1/2 cup gelatine powder
2Tbsp Sukrin:1
3 tsp citric acid (I like my sweets to be very tart, if you want them to be less measure less acid)

1/ Pour the soda in a stainless steel pan and let it go flat.
2/ Add the gelatine powder and mix until the gelatine is dissolved.
3/Put pan on low heat and stir until the mix is at 60 degres Celsius.
4/ Take pan off the heat and let it cool down slightly.
5/ Once cooled, pour mixture in mold (I used two silicone round molds)
6/ Set in fridge, it took 1 hour for my two moods to be set properly.
7/ Cut sweets in the shape you want. In a plastic tub, mix the sweetener and the citric acid. add the cut sweets to it and shake until all the sweets are covered.
8/ keep in fridge up to a week.

Friday 10 February 2017

Week 7 weight in

Loss: 4lbs

Total loss so far: 1st 7lbs

Week 7 has been a better week. I increased my intake in speed vegetables and reduced my speed fruits. It's also my ⭐️ week.

Thursday 9 February 2017

Weight in week 6

Just realised I forgot to enter last week weight in. So here it goes:
Put on 2.5 lbs
Total loss 1st 3lbs

Healthy eating inspector

Meet my new healthy eating supervisor... Cinder.
He will be helping with my meal planning and look very closely at my syns 😂.

Tuesday 7 February 2017


Been struggling a lot with snacking recently. It was not a major problem until last week, but it is one now.
Did some microwave crisps last night. I know it is a tweak but it's still better to have homemade ones than opening a pack of very fatty one. 
I had some salt and pepper mix left over from when I did Chinese. I sprinkled it on top of mandolined protatoes with fry light. 4.5 minutes for each plate in the microwave, checking at 2 minutes to make sure they were not burning.


Saturday 4 February 2017

Butternut squash and Bacon Soup


Butternut Squash and Bacon Soup
Syn free

1 Medium Butternut Squash diced
1 Red onion diced
2 Garlic gloves crushed
2 carrots diced
1 Pak Choi diced
2 Chicken Stock Pot
1 litre of water
4 Smoked Bacon Medallions diced
Salt and pepper to taste

Add all the ingredients together, bring to the boil. Once boiling, reduce the heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Don't forget to stir time to time, and check the water level, if needed add a bit more water.
Take off the heat and blend until the soup is smooth. 
Serve a a swirl of fat free Greek yogurt or fromage blanc.
This soup is ideal for SP days and can be reheated.

Ohso Good Chocolate

They honestly should have called it Oh My Good it's so lush chocolate and I can't believe it's only 3 syns for a 13.5 gr but I can see that name might have been too long.
The Ohso Good bar with no added sugar comes in 3 different flavours: lemon, raspberry and original.
I bought the three flavours but at £3.99, they are a bit of an investment. Now are they worth it? No question about it...Yes 
I tried the lemon one as soon as they arrived. I'm not too keen on dark chocolate as it reminds me the bitter chocolate (85%) that my mum used to give us as kids (Hell it could put hair on your chest). But I was pleasantly surprised by the little bar of lemon chocolate, to me it tasted just like chocolate and lemon curd, which I love. Did I had to go and check the wrapper again to make sure it was only 3 syns? Yes, I did... because honestly something that good can't be just 3 syns. It did curb my chocolate craving.

3 Syns/Bar


Ohso Good have a promotion at the moment buy 4 packs and get free delivery. If you use the code slimming25 you get 25% off.

It's also worth noting that the normal chocolate and orange bar is only 3.5 syns/bar.

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Weight lost visual aid

I'm doing slimming world online, as I'm not going to group and I still need that little push people would get in group, I created a visual aid. Standing proudly on my fridge, my little clouds of weight loss are there when I open the fridge. It has been laminated so I can erase them if needed, I use some white board pens to colour them in.

The green dots are my weight ins. As no one at home knows about me and slimming world (my dirty little secret lol), it is not titled.