Sunday 12 February 2017

Tangtastic sweet Syn free

Tangtastic dandelion & burdock sweet
Syn free
3 cup dandelion & burdock soda no added sugar
1/2 cup gelatine powder
2Tbsp Sukrin:1
3 tsp citric acid (I like my sweets to be very tart, if you want them to be less measure less acid)

1/ Pour the soda in a stainless steel pan and let it go flat.
2/ Add the gelatine powder and mix until the gelatine is dissolved.
3/Put pan on low heat and stir until the mix is at 60 degres Celsius.
4/ Take pan off the heat and let it cool down slightly.
5/ Once cooled, pour mixture in mold (I used two silicone round molds)
6/ Set in fridge, it took 1 hour for my two moods to be set properly.
7/ Cut sweets in the shape you want. In a plastic tub, mix the sweetener and the citric acid. add the cut sweets to it and shake until all the sweets are covered.
8/ keep in fridge up to a week.

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