Thursday 19 January 2017

Reality sucks

Got a shock this morning, kind of a wake up and smell the roses shock.
I dropped my car to the MOT station this morning, yes it is this time of year where I have to have that dreaded  car check done. As I did not really sleep last night, I arrived one hour early, and let's face it I was not ready to wait 2 hours at the garage. So I went to town to find a coffee shop.....need caffeine.....
I managed to find a Sainsbury's, ordered a large americano (no milk, no sugar). I walk towards a sit and  SMACK.... reality gave me a hard check... I was unable to fit my whole butt in the chair!!!! What the plum pudding!!! I managed to fit most of it by wiggling in it but still.
I felt stupid but thankfully nobody noticed what I was doing.
Hopefully I will keep on track and this will never happen to me. 

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