Friday 27 January 2017

Week 5 weight in

Loss: 1/2lbs

Total loss so far: 1st 5.5 lbs

This week was hard and I'm very happy with this loss. I have been leaving in a renovation project house for the last 4 years. And in the last few months, it has become a building site. 
We had the electricians in this week, and as lovely as they were, it has been difficult for me as my privacy dropped to almost zero. Having to look out to see if the  corridor to the bathroom is clear, taking a quick shower just in case, they cut the electricity, happened on Tuesday ended up with no lights in bathroom (we don't have a window in it) and no water (the shower is electric).
The boiler was cut for a few hours too and ended up freezing in the house, well to be fair it was freezing outside. 
I ended up eating the wrong thing as I was trying to keep warm. Let's face it a salad does not keep you warm hot chocolate does. Abused it a bit and had to do a few SP days, thank heavens for courgettes lasagne sheets.

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