Tuesday 5 January 2016

Savoury Mince

Serves 4

Free on Extra Easy


  • 500g Mince beef 5%
  • 200g courgettes grated
  • 500g Mixed vegetables frozen (I used carrots, green beans, peas and sweetcorn)
  • 2 Large onions cut in small chunk
  • 300ml Vegetable stock
  • Herbes de Provence (I like them a lot so I put 1 teaspoon)
  • Salt & Pepper
  1. Heat a pan and spray it with Fry light. When the pan is hot throw the onion in and cook them until brown.
  2. Add the mince, increase heat to high and quickly brown the meat (do not forget to stir frequently otherwise it will burn).
  3. Pour in the stock, add the vegetables, the herbes and season. Bring to the boil and simmer until the stock reduces to a thick sauce.
  4. Serve.

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