Monday 12 December 2016


Morphy Richards Spiralizer

Yesterday, I bought a spiralizer. I already had a manual one but I found myself using it less and less as 1/ I don't have a proper kitchen and everything has been in boxes for the last year, 2/ it makes such a mess, particularly with courgettes and cucumbers, the water coming out of the vegetables drips everywhere.
As we are coming close to Black Friday good deals and promotions are popping up everywhere, and you can bag an electric Morphy Richards spiralizer for under £35. As I'm trying to increase our speed vegetables in our plates, it made sense to buy one.

Turkey stir fry

I gave my new spiralizer a good go and made ribbon out of courgettes, carrots and butternut squash. I had some turkey to be used in the freezer. I like stir fry but I found that most stir fry sauce have loads of syns and let's face it I'm more prepared to use them for treats than everyday food.
So I went to my favourite website at all he moment Pinch of Nom, and found one 2 syns for 4 people or 0.5 syn per person woohoo!!!
They call it the half syn hoisin chicken or in my case turkey
I used the very yummy PB2 (powdered peanut). It's so lush, made me realised how much I missed peanut butter. 1.5 tablespoons of the stuff is only 1.5 syns, mix it with water and it forms a peanut  paste.

I'm crazy

That's what I told myself today.... and you may ask why?
Well with all the good intentions in the world I started Slimming World again very close to my birthday. I know I am now wondering if on top I do not have a bit of a sadistic touch in me too. But I told myself it's ok, I can do it. Turned out that NO... I can't do it.
And then December was around the corner, and once again I told myself easy peasy... it will be a walk in the park haha Not. I was counted on me not being that popular but recently I started taking part in different craft groups around my area and I took a new job in August. So I ended up going to a lot more Christmas party than before. 2015: 0- 2016: 4  and still a few more to go to. 
And even if I started with all the good will in the world, I did not plan properly and that folks is my bigggest downfall. That and working for the NHS where chocolate and biscuits are available all the time.... 

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Quote of the week

Trying to stay motivated.... went to bed last night quite full and woke up early (way too early, I mean 5:00 am kind of early) due to my stomach complaining it was hungry. Could literally eat a horse... ok a small one but still. I'm keeping busy by posting here and after that I will do some crochet (keeps my hands busy).

Good start

I know it's only Tuesday but I had a good start to the week, even my snacking while cooking has improved, I still snack but instead of eating high syns food (i.e: crisps, chocolate etc...) i use seafood sticks.
My dinners since Sunday have been healthy and I have upped my intake of speed food. Need to work on my syns tho as I'm in the high scale of it.
Still I'm proud of myself

Saturday 19 November 2016

I'm back ...

So after almost a year away, I'm back. I lost my mojo big time and let's face it, it is still not back but I have to do something. I did have health issue with my eyes this year more problem but my check up on Thursday went ok and I'm responding to treatment alright. So that's the good news, on the minus side my condition is a life time condition and no matter what, I will have treatment for it the rest of my life.

Monday 1 February 2016


I just realised it has been a few weeks since I last blogged. It has been a few hard weeks for me. The exhaustion and crying all the time is back. It feels like I'm always empty and don't have any energy. Which can only mean one thing and it's that the thyroid meds are not working as good as before. Even my close friends can see that I have deteriorated lately. Eventually I have taken the decision to go back to the doctors to sort it out.
I know it sounds silly but it is difficult for people to understand as it does not look like anything is wrong with me from the outside but people who suffer from the condition do know how much of a struggle it can be (particularly when it has been diagnosed recently). For the other people, the only way I can describe it is as being in a state of deep depression, which is one of the symptom and if often confused for it. It also affects weight loss and even if I managed to loose 7 pounds in the first two weeks the weight is back even if I'm still eating healthy.

Monday 11 January 2016


4.5 Syns per bag

It reminds me of my childhood as I used to eat them when I was a child. They are still nice and I was pleasantly surprised to know realise that a packet was only 4.5 Syns.

Fond Veal or Poultry

1 Syn per teaspoon

It's a magic French product that I will use in sauces, it is almost like a Demi glace.

French products

This month, I bought a few products from French click (it's an internet suppliers of French goods). Sometimes I do miss some essentials from France which I can not replace with English products.
So I got some fonds, sweets and sugar free mint syrup.

Slimming World Lemon Curd

Free on Extra Easy


  • Lemon juice of 1 lemon or 50ml
  • 2 Eggs
  • 3 Tablespoons sweetner 
  • 2 oz quark
  1. In a glass bowl, whisk the lemon juice and the eggs together. Add the sweetener and whisk again (until the mix is foamy on top).
  2. Put the bowl on top of a pan of boiling water (make sure the bottom of the bowl does not touch the water). Whisk the mix all the time until thickened (do not stop stirring otherwise the mix will scramble). Keep an eye on the water if it's too hot reduce the heat.
  3. Take the bowl off the heat and stir in the quark.
The lemon curd keeps 5 days in the fridge, although with me it only lasted a day. 

Note: I tested the lemon curd before I added the quark and I liked it better. So next time I will not bother with it.

Sunday 10 January 2016

Suchard Chocolate

2.5 Syns per individual chocolate

They are yummy and one can be enough to stop a craving. My favourite is the orange one (coeur croustillant lait).

Aldi Sugar Free Biscuit

1.5 Syns per Biscuit


Bought these biscuits in Aldi. There are 1.5 Syns per biscuit. It says on the box shortbread but don't expect them to be even close to shortbread. They are crumbly but more like a tea biscuit to me than a buttery Scottish biscuit. All of these said I actually found them good and they hit the spot with a good coffee.

Reward for week 1

As I have been a very good girl this week and I lost some weight, I decided to buy myself a little reward. When I say little I mean the price (bought in Aldi for £4.99 instead of £6.99) because in size it's massive (it will take a big cupboard space).
I got myself a new kitchen bowl with a quirk, as it can rest up but also on its side which is brilliant when mixing ingredients by hand.

Week 1

Woohoo!!!!! I weighed myself this morning and I lost 2.2kg or 4.5 pounds. I am really happy as I thought it would not be as good as I went a bit mad on the chocolate the last few days. But I think it was balanced by the fact that I had a lot of Speed vegetables and did not eat all my Syns this week. Anyhow it is a few steps towards the right direction.
Now let's see what week 2 brings.

Friday 8 January 2016

Where is the chocolate

Arghhh, that is it I've done it. After being good all week, I ate 2 bars of chocolate at work. So ok my blood sugar was low and it's mainly to avoid passing out again, but it's no reason really.
Part of me hate myself and part of me is too tired to care anymore. The major test was tonight tho. After all eating some chocolate at work for a good reason is alright, but when it usually happens I end up going home and munching on everything sugary in the house. Let's not forget that my better half has got no problem with his weight and loves chocolate (Ay.... I know life is cruel).
To my big surprise, I just got some salmon for supper and did get my hands in the chocolate jar but did not eat them, instead I contemplated them (don't ask, apparently my brain is finding the shining chocolate wrappings fascinating tonight).
So all in all I'm happy because yes I had some chocolate today but I did not pig out when I came back home. Might seem like a small step for you but in fact it's a huge victory for me Today, you never know what challenges tomorrow will bring.

Bisto Cauliflower Cheese

1.5 Syns per 375g pack

Ahhhh Bisto

I found this in Tesco, in the frozen ready meal aisle. A pack of 375g is one of your five a day. I had it on Thursday night with a nice blue steak. I have to admit it does not look very appetising (see picture below) compared to other cauliflower and cheese products but it is absolutely lovely. I am not too keen on cauliflower, although it is always better than broccoli, and Bisto has made an effort here. 
Oh and I forgot to say it's very low Syn.

Quick word

It has been a long week and I still have one more day to go and I'm off, woop woop. I will make time this weekend to update everything.

Thursday 7 January 2016

Yummy Dessert

Tonight, I had a nice treat for dessert, a lemon curd (syn free) roulade with raspberries. I did plan to have it as I cooked both the sponge and the lemon this morning.
It was absolutely lovely, so fresh and the lemon did cut the sweetness of the artificial sweetener.
I'll put the recipes for the syn free lemon curd and the 1/2 syn sponge on soon.

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Savoury Mince

Serves 4

Free on Extra Easy


  • 500g Mince beef 5%
  • 200g courgettes grated
  • 500g Mixed vegetables frozen (I used carrots, green beans, peas and sweetcorn)
  • 2 Large onions cut in small chunk
  • 300ml Vegetable stock
  • Herbes de Provence (I like them a lot so I put 1 teaspoon)
  • Salt & Pepper
  1. Heat a pan and spray it with Fry light. When the pan is hot throw the onion in and cook them until brown.
  2. Add the mince, increase heat to high and quickly brown the meat (do not forget to stir frequently otherwise it will burn).
  3. Pour in the stock, add the vegetables, the herbes and season. Bring to the boil and simmer until the stock reduces to a thick sauce.
  4. Serve.

Monday 4 January 2016

New MullerLight Alert

Syn Free

The new Müllerlight looks absolutely yummy. Can't wait for it to be on sale, apparently it is supposed to come out in January. So keep your eyes out for it.

French humour

A friend from France sent me this picture on Facebook. I thought it was excellent, just sums exactly how people feels after the last two weeks of festivities.

Marbled Mug Cake

Serves 1.5 Syns 

Free on Extra Easy


  • 2 Eggs medium
  • 3 Tablespoons sweetener 
  • 1 Teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 Teaspoons Choc Shot liquid chocolate

  1. To do the first mix, add in a bowl 1 egg and 1.5 tablespoons of sweetner. Whisk until the egg mix is fluffy. Pour in the liquid chocolate, and whisk well
  2. For the second mix, do the same but with vanilla instead of the chocolate.
  3. In a mug pour the chocolate mixture first and then add the vanilla one slowly so you can see both colours in. 

  4. Cook in the microwave until it's cooked. My microwave is a 800W and I timed it for 1.30 minutes. Serve on its own or with a mini pot of custard (don't forget to Syn it if you do).


I remember the Slimming World group I used to go to encouraging us to reward ourselves if we had a good week, and I don't just meant if we lost weight but also if we stuck to it properly too. So it will be the purpose of this page.

Dominion Sugar Free Sweet (Aldi)

0.5 Syns Each

My favourite ones are the strawberry.

Ambrosia Custard Pots

2.5 Syns for a Mini Pot (55g)
6.5 Syns for a Pot (125g)

Choc shot Liquid Chocolate

1.5 Syns/Teaspoon

There are 3 different chocolate varieties: regular, coconut and orange spice.

Warburtons Bagel Thins, Cinnamon & Raisin 50g each

6.5 Syns

Toasted they are delicious.

Heinz Tomato Soup 400g

11.5 Syns

Yep it's a lot of Syns for a bowl of tomato soup. Instead better have a bowl of Syn free Heinz like tomato soup (you can find it in the recipe section).

Slimming World Heinz Like Tomato Soup

Serves 4 

Free on Extra Easy 


  • 2 Tins of chopped tomatoes
  • 1 Tin carrots drained
  • 1 Tin baked beans
  • 1 Cube of Knorr chicken stock (I used low fat as it was the only ones I had in cupboard)
  • 1/2 Pint water
  • 1 Pickled onion cut in chunk

  1. Add all ingredients together in soup maker, otherwise in pan. If you are using a soup maker I will suggest to blend the ingredients first as the beans have tendency to burn at the bottom.
  2. Use the smooth cycle on the soup maker.
  3. I blended a little bit more at the end to make sure the soup was very smooth.
  4. Serve it as you like. If I'm fancy, I add a dollop of fat free fromage frais or some basil.

Chicken Tikka Masala

Serves 4 

Free on Extra Easy 


  • 2 Large onions cut in small chunks
  • 750g Skinless chicken breast cut in chunks
  • 3 Mixed pepper sliced
  • 200g Courgette spaghetti
  • 1 Tub of Slimming World spicy tikka masala sauce defrosted
  • 1/2 Tub of water

  1. Heat up a wok on high heat, spray some Fry light in it and throw the onions in. reduce heat to medium and stir frequently to avoid the onions to burn, if necessary add some more Fry light.
  2. Increase the heat under the pan and add the chicken, stir until chicken is browned. reduce heat to medium and cook for 5 more minutes.
  3. Pour the sauce and water in wok, stir in and bring to the boil. Once boiling throw in the vegetables and reduce heat to a simmer. Cook until chicken is cooked and sauce has thickened.
  4. Serve with jasmine rice.

Pictures of me